Monday, July 11, 2011

"Narrow is the Gate" Find the way to be encouraged.

We have so much to be thankful for.

I just "happened" upon this inspiring blog here today. It's from Therese at Beyond Blue or Beliefnet. The message contained is something of which I remind myself and others regularly. I say: "Step away from the self." It's so hard during life challenges when you think you are already maxed out, to reach within for more reserve. Yet, when we put our eyes & hearts back on our Source of Creation & Power, we know we were created to persevere. As a coach, I use fitness challenges to help others get stronger on many levels. You need a higher level of RPM,s to rev up your "gitty up" I think. This adding fitness to spiritual conditioning has worked well for me and others. Then, my setback, first day back home after being away from training and the clients I train. Don't you know, an accident, I hit a dip in the road, rolled my ankle and cut up my opposite knee. Holy Crap, as Frank Barone on Everybody Loves Raymond would say. The coach is the cripple right now. No idea just yet how bad. The fall happened yesterday, a Sunday. I am doing all the right treatments, RICE- rest, ice, compression (not yet), & elevation. Moving about is nearly impossible. The right knee is stiff and cut up. The left ankle is severely swollen and refuses to bear weight. Yet how can I complain? This too shall pass. I know that is the truth....somewhere. Anyway, thank-you all for sharing your challenges to remain "encouraged" in spite of the obvious discouragements. Your perseverance through adversity helped me today. You are doing the most and the best that you can right now. You can't beat up on yourself for not being able to do more, to provide more for others. I will have to do the same. May God bless you in your journey. If you have time and interest, you can read about how I came to this ministry of faith and fitness on my site: Read: Background.

Susan Kelly
Sporting Our Spirit, Coach & Founder

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